1/100ths inches of rain 4 days ago 1/100ths inches of rain three days ago 1/100ths inches of rain the day before yesterday. 1/100ths inches of rain yesterday 1/100ths inches of rain in the last 7 days... 1/10ths inches of rainfall for the year. 1/10ths inches of rainfall for the month. 1/100ths inches of rainfall for the week 1/100ths inches of rainfall for the day 1/100th inches of rain in the past hour Mode setting for automatic house-sitting. Just some example time and date scripts Second of two redundant dusk sensors. One of two dusk sensors. Local variable for whether daylight or not. Use this group to turn on lights in the evening. This group is used to control the outside lights. Light in hallway. All of these units may be commanded as a named group "AllinsideLights" Lights in the office area Movement detected in the office. Television on/off Motion detector for living room. Lamp on corner table. Lamp on end table. Just so we have an on-screen indicator of daytime. The gauge sends an On/Off for every 1/100th inch of rainfall This controls the sprinkler system. Lights on walkway to garage Flood lights at rear porch. Motion detector on rear porch Command to open or close the Garage door. One or more lights along the front walkway. Movement sensor at front walkway. Light at the front door. Motion detector at front door. Alarm for front walk motion. The coffee pot should not be left on. Overhead and undercounter lights in kitchen. Movement sensor in Kitchen and rear door Light in foyer entrance. Lights in the master bathroom Alarm next to master bed Bed lamps in the master bedroom. Motion in the master bedroom Both overhead dining room lights. Movement sensor in dining room Lamps at the guest bed. Movement in the guest bedroom